A better way to provide accurate and defensible third-party valuation …

Technical Issues require technical Decisions

Cost and Delay Claims

Your claim deserves an accurate and defensible third-party valuation.  Valuations  are based on well-recognized published data balanced against the experience of our experts who have been involved in construction.

Complex building systems combined with work in occupied buildings can greatly affect costs but the valuation must be realistic.   Our valuation allowed this building deficiency claim to settle for about one-third of the alleged remedial work costs.

Our constructions claims experts can provide a full claims management service inclusive of:

  • claims strategy;
  • schedule and damage assessment;
  • entitlement review and advice, and;
  • schedule analysis.

Neutral Opinions

Are you wondering how to valuate your building deficiency? Arbitech will assess your building use and occupancy issues and provide you with a realistic valuation. Our litigation consulting services have abbreviated time to valuation of building deficiencies. It could settle yours too.

Call us for a no-cost 30 minute consultation at 1-800-838-8183 Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, or submit a callback request.

“Exceptional outcomes are possible at the intersection of integrity and wisdom … “

© Gerald R. Genge, P.Eng., C.Eng., BDS, BSSO, Q Med., C. Arb.

Arbitech Inc.

Toronto | Newmarket | Burlington | Waterloo | Collingwood

Email: or Email us HERE

Phone: 1 (800) 838-8183

Fax: (905) 895-7568
